Volunteer Examiner

Welcome to our trusted and convenient Amateur Radio examinations:

  1. Please click the Find an Exam button below to register for your KC7E exam with HamStudy.org
  2. KC7E tests through the ARRL VEC. There is a $15 examination fee that must be paid to KC7E prior to your exam. You can pay this fee via my PayPal link
  3. Please have your government issued photo ID ready when you hop in the meeting.
  4. This test is never timed. Plan for at least 20 minutes for your exam, but take the time you need.
  5. YOUTH UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE. The Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) though, requires that the parents or guardian of remote examination applicants under the age of 13, to complete a COPPA form.
    Please have a parent or legal guardian download and complete this form as part of the registration process at HamStudy.org. Please email this completed form to coppa@examtools.org as well as contact@kc7e.org
  6. You are allowed to have one piece of blank scratch paper during your exam. We will make you show both sides of the paper before your exam begins.
  7. We recommend you download Zoom on your desktop before taking the exam. The browser version can be finnicky at times.
  8. You will receive an email zoom invitation 15 to 30 minutes before exam time with your exam link. We are sometimes ahead of schedule so be ready to accept the invite and join the meeting when you receive the email. Please do not wait until the meeting time to join the session.
  9. No physical calculators are allowed. You can only use an on screen calculator for your exam.
  10. No Wearable Technology, take your smart watch off and put it in another room, No Earbuds, headsets, smart eyewear during the exam.
  11. RECORDING CONSENT/ROOM SCAN: You will be ask to consent to being video recorded. Your room will be scanned, so please remove all items you do not wish to be recorded along with a view of the desktop area where you will be testing at. You agree to the recording, storage and distribution of video, images and audio from the meeting.
  12. Special Needs/Requests: We are well aware of the special needs some have and we are happy to offer reasonable accommodations for you to complete your exam. We have provisions for sight impaired applicants as well. Please contact me ahead of your scheduled exam date with what considerations you might require to have a successful exam.
  13. You are only allowed to have one monitor within view of the exam. Please have extra monitors turned off and turned around or covered with a towel or blanket.
  14. You must be alone in the room while taking the exam.
  15. There will be other instructions to follow, but remember you have this. Do the work and you will be rewarded with success. This is supposed to be a fun time and you will be with people who have also taken these exams. Just relax and take a deep breath.

Thank you for giving us your time. We cannot wait to be your exam team! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
-Casey (KC7E)

Find an exam

Interested in taking your amateur radio exam with KC7E? Please click the link below to see our future scheduled exams.

Don’t see an exam session that works for you? Visit my contact page and send me an email and I will gladly schedule an exam that will work for you!

Celebration of successful exams

Click here to see our hall of fame of people who have successfully passed their amateur radio license exam through KC7E. If you have passed your exam with us and wish to be added to the list, please contact us!

Study material

Interested in earning your license, but don’t know where to start? Visit our references page to find study guides and free online practice tests!


Click below to see any events we are hosting, including training or public radio events.

Why test with us?

I am dedicated to helping everyone earn their amateur radio license to join the hobby. I am the most active Wyoming VE, and can guarantee a convenient exam when you are ready to test. If you don’t see a session that works for you, please contact me and I will make it happen!

-Casey (KC7E)

Top Volunteer Examiner in Wyoming

Quick Turnaround

5 Star Rating

Dedicated Support